Keep Yourself Educated On The Latest News In The Medical Marijuana Industry

March 12, 2023
3 Ways To Save On Marijuana At Your Local Dispensary

For many, cannabis (plant) is a medical necessity. With rising prices showing no sign of slowing down any time soon, how are you going to save at local dispensaries? Click the link our bio to review our top 3 ways to save green on green. Continue reading....

3 Ways to save on green
February 5, 2023
Employment and Housing Protections

Arizona has made significant strides in terms of cannabis legalization in recent years, with medical marijuana being legalized in 2010 and recreational use being legalized in 2020. Continue reading....

February 3, 2023
20 Benefits of Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana, also known as medical cannabis, is a natural alternative to traditional prescription drugs used to treat a wide range of medical conditions. While its use is still controversial, the increasing acceptance of medical marijuana in many countries is a testament to its growing recognition as a valuable medicine. Continue reading...


Stay current on the laws in the state of Arizona.